Wednesday, January 15, 2014

MurMuring? ...I think NOT!

Many, many, many, many MANY, many, many, MMMMMMAAAAANNnnnnnyyyyyy.... YEARS AGO! 

Heavenly Father spoke to Nephi and commanded him to build A SHIP! 


 Nephi didn't  know how to build a ship, how can he do something that he has never been taught to do?

 The Lord would teach him how to build a ship. 

Nephi's older brothers Laman and Lemuel MURMURed. "Our brother is a fool, for he thinketh that he can build a ship..." (1 Nephi 17:17)

They didn't want to help him. They wanted to hurt him, and make fun of him. Nephi told them to repent. They became even more angry and wanted to throw him in the sea!

Well, the story goes on that The Lord tells Nephi to "stretch forth thine hand again into they brethren, and they shall wither before thee, but I will shock them, saith the Lord, and this will I do, that they may know that I am the Lord their God."(1 Nephi 17:53)

Laman and Lemuel learned that Nephi was telling the truth, so they repented and then helped Nephi finishing building the boat.

1 Nephi 18:4 "And it came to pass that after I had finished the ship, according to the word of the Lord, my brethren beheld that it was good, and that workmanship thereof was exceedingly fine; wherefore, they did humble themselves again before the Lord."

Moral of the story is - DON'T MURMUR! When The Lord gives us a commandment He is ALWAYS going to provide a way. He will never leave us a alone to figure it out ourselves and set us up for failure, He loves us way too much! 

We all pull a "Laman and Lemuel" once in awhile, but we put our trust in the Lord He going to bless us and help us in whatever we face in life. 

I know that this Gospel is true! There are times in my life where The Lord needed me to do something, and I didn't think I could. Yes, I murmured! (GASP!) A grand Example- SERVING A MISSION! I did not think I could do it, and I came up with every excuse (murmuring) not to serve a mission. But look at me now! I have nearly been out for 10 months, and yes it is the hardest thing I! But it is the greatest blessing I have ever received in my life. The Lord has helped me so much, I can't even express the amount of help I have received from The Lord in the past 10 months.

I know that when we put our faith in The Lord, He will always provide a way! 

I love this Gospel! The Church is true! 

Sister Ashcroft

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