Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The {Story} of Conference Weekend


How is everyone? 

Who watched conference? 

It was great, wasn't it? 

Amazing, right? 

Well, this was my first time in the conference center and it was amazing!
The Spirit is unbelievably strong! I have never been in a more spiritual, powerful, uplifting building. 

So, HIGHLIGHTS of Conference!

My aunt sent me a cute little card that says 
"Seek the Treasures of General Conference"
1. Ponder and Pray
2.Make a List
3.Listen Carefully
4.Give Thanks
5.Set Goals

So, over the week of conference I thought a lot about what kinds of talks would be given. I then prayed asking Heavenly Father what were some things that I needed to hear? Through the week I wrote down questions that came to mind. By the start of Saturday Morning I had 16 questions that I wanted answered.

So, I had my pen and paper ready to take notes! 
Robert D. Hales- the very first one to talked answered 2 of my questions right away!
I love how He pointed out that inspiration doesn't always come quickly. It takes prayer, pondering, studying, seeking for it to come! Then when it comes we have apply it and pray, ponder, study, and seek it again. Personal revelation comes to everyone, but in different ways, at different times, and means different things to someone.

Edward Dube- I loved his point of never looking back! Look at what we still have to do! I also learned that it's not where you serve, what you serve as, but how you serve! 

Dieter F. Uchtdorf- My Favorite Talk! :) I loved his talk! His talked added to my testimony about the Church, and why I am so grateful to be apart of the only true Church! 
and of course my new favorite quote is ---
(sorry, I still haven't figured out to rotate the pictures)

Well, that concluded the Saturday Morning session.

Sister Porter and I were lucky enough to get tickets to the Saturday Afternoon session :)
We invited a girl we often go and talk with. Her name is Amber, and she is so sweet. She was so excited when we asked her to go to conference with us. 
Amber rode the trax with us down to the conference center. We talked about some of her questions she had, that she wanted answered through the talks that were going to be given. 
Our Sweet Sister Barnhurst made us a sack lunch for us to eat while we were on the trax. 

The conference center was HUGE! After we arrived we had time to walk around and see more of the building, and of course take some pictures :)

(Amber, Sister Ashcroft & Sister Porter) 

We were pretty stoked to be there! 
The Spirit in the conference center, is so much stronger than watching it on TV. There is something about actually being in the same building as the Prophet, Apostles and Brethren from the Seventy. Especially when they stand up to talk! The Spirit just testifies to you that what these men and saying is true! 
I was totally amazed that these talks are not assigned. Each speaker chooses his own topic through personal revelation. It hit me time and time again whenever someone would stand up to speak. 
But it really hit me when Elder Holland stood up to talk. He is just a powerful speaker, and when he started his talk I was thinking "Okay, Elder Holland... Where are you going with this?"
But, of course his talk with so powerful! It's what I needed to hear. No matter the afflictions of pain, sorrow, illness, heart ache, etc. It's so crucial that we relay on the Atonement in times like that. Jesus Christ suffered for us, He knows the burdens we carry, and He is the only one who can life them. 
The Spirit really testified to me when he talk about Stephani Nelson and her tragic plan crash she was involved in. She is such a strong women, and she has showed me what it means to use the Atonement. 
Elder Holland concluded his talk by saying "Broken minds can be healed, just as Broken Bones can be healed." 
And, I knew that was so true! Through the Atonement anything can be healed. 
(Skipping to Sunday) 

Sister Porter and I had awesome tickets! Right where the Brethren walk in. :) 

We were lucky enough to go to both sessions on Sunday. We were so blessed! I can't begin to describe the experience. I needed to hear every talk, and I got so many of my questions answered! Sunday we took Brenda, our Investigator. She loved it. She too was impressed by the HUGE building. 

My favorite part of Sunday was when President Monson stood up to talk, and stated that this has been one of the most spiritual conferences. He knew that all these talks were inspired of the Spirit. I loved to hear his testimony about the power of the Spirit and the love he has for this Gospel.

It was so amazing to take people we are working with to conference. So, that they could experience first hand what we strive everyday to do. 

And, that is to invite the Spirit :) 

Conference was such a blessing! It was a privileged to attend! 
I am so grateful to be serving in Utah, I love my mission call and know this is where The Lord needed me. 

Favorite Statements---

Carole M. Stephens - "Heavenly Father is generous with His power."
Elder Ulisses Soares-  "Don't get discourage by failure. Keep trying."
Elder David A. Bednar - "Signification, but Subtle blessings."  
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf - " Doubt your doubts, before you doubt your faith."
Elder Boyd K. Packer- "There is a safe place to raise children, that place is a Gospel centered home."
"Righteousness is my powerful that wickedness."
Elder D. Todd Chrisoferson- "Women bring blessings down through prayers of Faith."
Elder M. Russel Ballard - "Radiate the Light of Christ."
Elder Jeffery R. Holland - "Broken minds can be healed, just as broken bones can be healed."
Elder Richard G. Scott - " Learn to recognize the Atonement." 
Thomas S. Monson - "May we strive to ever be close to our Heavenly Father."
"Continually Nourish your testimony."
Elder Russel M. Nelson - "You are never to young to learn and never to old to change."

Highlights of Conference Weekend---

Bumped into one of my best friend from High School who is serving in Ogden

 Also, ran into some more good friends from High School.

I did get to see my favorite Sister Joseph (yes, she is wearing my clothes...again)

 Awesome SEATS!!!!!
Being there for the First time!

Elder Perry, I think so?
 President Uchtdorf and his wife... I'm sure!
Elder Oaks... I hope.

Thanks for reading! I love you all! This Church is true :) I know it is :) 

Love, Sister Ashcroft 

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