Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Voice of the Spirt...LISTEN UP!

So, sorry! It's been awhile since I have posted anything! But it's a new year! Happy twenty-four-teen! 
let's make this a great year, but coming closer to Christ.

"And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do." (1 Nephi 4:6) 

Yesterday, my companion and I were walking home form a Zone Lunch. Early that day we had a zone training and we made a goal to talk to everyone we see about the gospel. We are both really good at just walking up to people and carrying on a casual conversation, and as always extending our help. But, so many times we walk off without inviting them to hear the Gospel.

Aftter discussing this weakness we came to the conclusion that we want to change that. NOW!

"It's better to bomb it, than walk by" 

Which means, it's better to talk to someone and them totally shut us down, or we totally just bomb it than walk by and never give them a chance, because everyone we talk to we are planting a seed in their hearts whether they accept us or not.

So, walking home yesterday we see someone walking towards us, and I know that we are suppose to talk to this person. 

As, he gets closer we say "hello"... no response. We then slow down and asks "how are you today?" He walks right past us, as if we weren't even there! 

So, I'm thinking to myself why did I feel so strongly to talk to that person if he wasn't even going to acknowledge us? It bothered me for awhile and we continued to walk home. Then we see another man, who looked Polynesian. 

My companion shouts "Talofoa!" response

I shout "Aloha!"

He starts to laugh at us, so we ask "well, what are you" 

He replied "Mexican!" 

The two of us together "HOLA!"

We giggle and then tell him to have a nice day and start to walk off, but then the SPIRIT reminded me that we made a goal we wouldn't just walk past anyone without inviting them to hear about the Gospel. 

So, I turn back to go talk to him. We carry a casual conversation and then guided by the SPIRIT we start asking him questions that are related to the Gospel. We told him that we were Sister Missionaries serving for The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints. Ha, he knew who we were. Serving in  Utah almost everyone knows who we are. 

Sadly, he wasn't interested, but that's okay! Because He wasn't  prepared to hear the Gospel at that time in his life. He was very friendly and he listened to what we had to share, but when the day comes that he is prepared to hear the Gospel he will know how to reach the missionaries. 

As we reflected back on the two experiences we realized that Heavenly Father was preparing us for the next person we were about to meet.

Going into that situation Sister Greene and I had no idea what we were going to say, but we were led by the Spirit. The spirit told us what to say, and because we listened to the Spirit we were able to plant a seed in that mans heart, and he is one step closer to coming unto Christ. 

"For when a man speaketh by the power of the Holy Ghost the power of the Holy Ghost carrieth it unto the hearts of the children of men"(2 Nephi 1:33)

We read throughout the scriptures that the Spirits voice is not loud, it's not harsh, rude or anything of the sort. The voice of the spirit does not compete, it comes, but only if we want to listen. 

We live in a world where there is so much that can distract us from the voice of the spirit; music, language, clothing, magazines, television, jokes, phones, and more. 

The adversary is all around and will do anything to distracts us from the spirit and bring us further away from Christ. 

Always remember to be alert and listen to the Spirit. In Moroni 10:5 it tells us "And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth to all things" I know that this is true! If you are listening to the Spirit He is going to tell you exactly what you need to hear. 

If we try our best avoid the worldly things that are louder than the Spirit, than we will hear and feel the Spirit more strongly in our life!

This Gospel is so amazing! We are so blessed that it is possible for us to receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost.

Alma 5:16 "I say unto you, can you imagine to yourselves that ye hear the voice of the Lord, saying unto you, in that day: Come unto me ye blessed, for behold, your works have been the works of righteousness upon the face of the earth."


I love you all! 
Love, Sister Ashcroft

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