Saturday, September 7, 2013

The {Story} of a simple prayer

Good Afternoon! 

Yet, again, it's another toasty day! 

Well, I just wanted to share one of my {favorite} scriptures

James 1:5

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all man liberally, and ubraideth not, and it shall be given him."

I just love this scripture! I often read it, and I very often do what it says! There are several times a day where I have to find a quiet spot and ask God all the {desires} of my heart. 

I know, I know, how cliche, right?


I think of Joseph Smith's experience each time I read it. This past Wednesday we went to temple square to watch the Joseph Smith Movie: The Restoration, so it's pretty {fresh} in my mind lately. 

I think about the young 14 year-old boy, who wanted so badly to know which church was true. I could only imagine how confused Joseph Smith was? Especially with the {huge} excitement of religion going on! He was so humble and wanted to know, that he knelt down in a peaceful prayer to ask God. 

Then I think about my 20-year old self and praying to Heavenly Father asking him which skirt I want to wear today?! (only slightly kidding)

Joseph Smith did many things he was instrument in God's hands to restore The Gospel of Jesus Christ back to earth and translated The Book of Mormon (The {greatest} Book ever.)

Joseph lived a life of being mocked, he was tarred and feathered, many men tried to harm him and tear him down, he put his life on the line, and died for this great cause. 

And, even when Joseph was brutally beat, mocked, and attacked he still forgave everyone.

But in all seriousness I have a {huge} testimony of the prophet Joseph Smith. I admire him for how young he was to ask God, I admire him for his willingness to serve God and sacrifice so much! He never once doubted or denied what he saw. I'm also grateful for the faithful men who stood by Joseph and helped and supported him through it all.

I know that Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith, I know that they had a great job for Joseph Smith to do. 

When we talk about the importance of prayer we hear a lot ... "why do I have to pray? God already knows what I'm doing." 

Which is true.

But how else are we to know God? 

Without prayer, the communication with God, how else could we know what he expects from us? How could we receive revelation? or Inspiration? How could we feel his love? 

Prayer is how God communicates to us. Prayer is how we develop a relationship with God and Jesus Christ. 

We also get asked a lot... "why wont God appear himself to me like he did for Joseph Smith?" 

Well, why does he need to? 

Isn't the confirmation of the Holy Ghost good enough? 

God loves you and isn't going to lie. He isn't going keep the truth from you, he wants to hear your prayers, he wants to answer them! 

Sure, chances are that he isn't going to appear as a shining glorious pillar to you when you kneel down in prayer. I'm sure Joseph Smith didn't expect to see a vision of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. But God will always answer you :) He will confirm to you the truthfulness of the everlasting Gospel.

So ask God, why not? What do we have to lose? We can ask Him anything! He may not answer right away, or it may not be the answer you wanted, but he will always answer. And it will always be for the better.

I know that Joseph Smith was a true Prophet called of God. I know that God and Jesus Christ are real, they truly love and care for each and everyone of God's children.

I love this GOSPEL!! so Much!!! Thanks for following along with my {blog} Keep in touch :)

Love You All
-Sister Ashcroft

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